Thank you for visiting my store! I'm selling one size diapers faster than I can keep them stocked! I am mostly doing CUSTOM orders and I'd be glad to make you something one of a kind! Contact me at

Store Policies and FAQ's

***ALL items made in a dog loving smoke free home***

Please keep in mind that we are human and we may have minor inconsistencies and/or “flaws” in our items.  Anything beyond minor “flaws” will be sold as seconds.



·         We ship USPS with delivery confirmation within the US.

·         All in stock items will be shipped within two business days of purchase unless we notify you otherwise.

·         Insurance is available upon request for an additional charge.

o   Please contact us for pricing on insurance.

·         We will ship internationally.

o   Please contact us for pricing on international shipping prior to purchase.

·         We will do our best to ship the most cost effective way possible.  If your shipping charges are adding up to be more than the actual cost of shipping we will refund you the difference. 

·         Please allow 2-4 weeks for your custom item to be constructed and shipped out. 

o   We will keep you posted on the progress of your item up until we ship it out to you.




·         You may return your unwashed item any time within 10 days of receipt of your item for a refund of the purchase price of the item less shipping. 

o   You will be responsible for shipping costs to return the item.

·         You may exchange your washed and worn diaper within 10 days of receipt of your diaper for another item in our store of equal value.

o    You will be responsible for shipping costs to return the diaper.

·         There are NO returns/refunds/exchanges on any tester item unless item is severely defective. 

o   Falling apart, missing snaps, faulty elastic, and rips/holes in the fabrics are examples of what we consider severely defective.

·         If you find a problem with your item please contact us as soon as possible.  We will do our best to work with you to find a solution.

·         We will replace broken snaps and worn elastic for one year from purchase of your diaper free of charge. 

o   You will be responsible for all shipping costs.

§  If you are local we are more than happy to meet up with you to save on shipping costs.




·         What are cloth diapers?

o   Cloth diapers are not all like your grandmothers cloth diapers. Modern cloth diapers can have elastic and snaps or velcro closures. Some types of cloth diapers are as easy to put on and use as disposable diapers. Cloth diapers can be washed and reused.

·         How are cloth diapers different than disposable diapers?

o   The main difference between cloth and disposables is that soiled cloth diapers get put into a wet bag and then washed instead of getting thrown away.

·         What are some pros to using cloth diapers?

o   Cost savings

§  According to the Real Diaper Association, the cost of disposable diapers for two years is about $1,600. You can buy a very basic set of cloth diaper prefolds and covers for about $300, while a set of all in ones could run to over $800 or more. If you don’t like doing laundry, you can subscribe to a diaper service and spend around $1,500 for two years of service.

§  Using cloth diapers will save you money as long as you don’t go overboard on buying too many and stick with cloth for at least a year. Especially if you are going to be using them for more than one baby.

o   Eco friendly

§  According to the Sustainability Institute, 80% of the diapering in the United States is done with disposables. That comes to 18 billion diapers a year, just in the U.S. alone! Each baby could save thousands of diapers from hitting the landfills.

o   Helps with diaper rash

§  Because cloth diapers are free of irritating chemicals and dyes, babies are less prone to diaper rash in cloth versus disposables. This is especially true for children with sensitive skin or allergies.

·         How much of everything do I need to buy to get started?

o   It depends. How many children will you be diapering at one time? Will you be diapering a newborn? Do you want to use cloth full-time, or do you plan to use some disposables at certain times? Will you be using cloth at a daycare? What kind of budget do you have for cloth diapering? What’s your biggest priority for cloth diapering, i.e., using cloth without spending much, convenience, or style/cuteness? How often do you want to have to wash- every day, 2, or 3 days?  Your answers to these questions will greatly determine how much and of what type of diapers you need. Give some thought to your goals before shopping.

o   For cloth diapering a 2 month old and washing diapers every 2 days, I used:

§  1 large hanging wet bag

§  2 on the go wet bags

§  2 dozen prefolds

§  2 Snappis

§  6 covers

§  various pocket diapers (I use about 2 each night)

§  36 wipes

o   At 4 months old after outgrowing her newborn diapers I used:

§  1 large hanging wet bag

§  2 on the go wet bags

§  2 dozen pockets

§  24 wipes

§  a couple wraps with fleece covers

·         How often do I need to wash the diapers and covers?

o   Every 2-3 days. The bigger your stash, the less often you need to wash. However, washing at least every 3 days is a good idea to prevent stinkies.

·         I can’t keep up with regular laundry, how in the world would I be able to keep up with washing diapers too?!?

o   It’s really not that bad. I have a hard time keeping up with laundry (it’s usually all clean, but rarely put away) but doing diaper laundry does not seem like work to me. I just wash the diapers, pull out my covers and pockets to air dry, stuff the other diapers in the dryer, and then stuff them into a laundry basket. I used to fold them afterwards, but now I just keep them in the basket and pull what I need as I go through the day. If I can do it, then surely you can do it too!

·         There are so many different styles of cloth diapers. What are the differences?

o   Flats: These are similar to say a receiving blanket in shape.  They are the most cost effective way of cloth diapering.  Since they are just one square of fabric you can fold it up any way you see fit and they are easy to wash and dry.  They are a great alternative to disposable for those that want to help stay green yet don’t want to spend a bunch of money.  They do require a cover to be waterproof.

o   Prefolds & Wraps: These are cloth diapers that are made up of layers. Typically they are classified as 4-6-4, 4-8-4, or rarely 2-4-2 with the middle layers being the most absorbent section. They are easy to fold into thirds, place in a cover, and simply fasten cover onto baby. Or, you can use a snappi or pins to have the prefold more fitted onto baby which is very helpful for keeping breastfeeding poo from leaking out.  These diapers are only slightly higher in price than flats.  They do require a cover to be waterproof.

o   Fitteds:  These are cloth diapers that have snaps or Velcro to fasten around baby. They are nice in that they are great for keeping runny poop (especially from newborns) from leaking out. If you want to use a fitted diaper under clothes or on the go, you will need a cover to keep it waterproof. Some people let their children wear a fitted at home without a cover, but the fitted can become wet on the outside when heavily soiled.

o   All in Ones (AIO’s):  These are similar to a disposable diaper in that there’s no prep- you just fasten the diaper around Baby like a disposable and that’s it! You can find them with snaps or velcro closures. They tend to take longer to dry because all the layers are built into the diaper (vs. other types of cloth that you can dry the cover and inside separately). The downside to AIOs besides the dry time is that they can be more expensive.  These diapers are waterproof and do NOT require a cover.

o   All in Twos (AI2’s):  These are very much like an AIO but the soaker pad is a separate piece that is laid into the shell or snaps into the shell. The shell of an AI2 can be used more than once if it’s not soiled. Simply lay or snap in a new soaker. AI2s are just as easy and convenient as AIO but dry faster.

o   Pockets:  These are similar to the AIO’s in that they go around baby just like a disposable (with either snaps or velcro) BUT, the diaper lining has a pocket opening that you can stuff an insert into. When Baby is done wearing a pocket, you may have to pull out the insert before throwing in your diaper pail or wet bag (some diapers, like ours, our made to have the insert come out in the wash cycle). Pocket diapers are nice in that you get to control the absorbency- stuff them with an insert (hemp, microfiber, bamboo, ect) or even a prefold. You can even double or triple stuff them, therefore creating a more absorbent night time or on-the-go diaper.

·         My diaper is leaking what should I do?

o   Is the diaper fitting properly? Is the insert dry?  Is the insert soaked?  The answers to these questions can help determine the cause of your leaking.

§  If the diaper is too loose you can have leaking around the legs and waist.  Remember, we have two rows of snaps so you can adjust the legs and waist individually.  If you’re using a diaper with a snap down rise it’s possible that you may need to go up or down a rise setting.

§  If the insert is dry, the fit is perfect and your diaper is leaking chances are you’re having some repelling issues with your diaper.  A quick test for repelling is to take some water and pour it into your diaper, gently press on the lining, if the water goes right through then it’s not repelling, if it rolls right off the lining than you have repelling.  To solve repelling you need to strip your diaper to remove any build-up.  Stripping instructions are found in our Wash and Care Instructions.  We recommend drying on HOT after stripping to insure that the PUL is sealed.   You may need to re-seal the PUL periodically throughout the life of the diaper.

§  If the insert is soaked and your diaper is leaking it could be time to add another insert into your diaper.  Keep in mind that diapers can leak when heavily saturated. 

·         Due to the nature of cotton fabric you may have some wicking at the legs when the PUL needs re-sealed or when the diaper is heavily saturated.



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