I'm partnered with Spoonflower web site that offers 150+ of my fine art on custom made items. This web site here features all the items available to purchase.
My top priority is to thrill my customers by offering my art on high quality hand crafted items. With each sale I literally do a happy dance! Thank-you so much for your continuous love & support, it means the world to me.
The gallery received entries from 30 different countries around the world, as well as from 34 different states and the District Of Columbia. The exhibition is divided into 3 different categories.
I won a award under Photography & Digital Media category, for my art titled "Elegant Flamingos".
Fusion Art's 8th Quarterly International Art Exhibition. Adiverse collection of artwork from artists all around the world including the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Norway, Iran, Thailand, Kuwait, India, Spain, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
I won a award in the Digital & Photography category, for my art titled "Woodland Deer".
The American Art Awards is a artist competition in which the 25 best galleries and museums in America rate the submitted works. This year, artists from 56 countries participated in the competition.