1yd cut Magic Unwrapped Mini Lemon Yellow Woven Retail 1yd cut Magic Unwrapped Mini Lemon Yellow Woven Retail
Price : $30.00
1 available

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Imported Custom Digital Printed Fabrics
175 gsm
100% Cotton
QTY of 1 = 1 yard
Fabric will be on 56"-58" wide fabric, Please be aware imperfections are common along the sides of the selvage and cutting off of selvage can result in a final width of 54"-56"
NO ORDERS: Will be refunded or discounted if you have a single flaw that is smaller than a quarter. Please be aware that Shades can vary in bulk with colors by 10%.
Please allow 5-7 business days for order to be shipped
Tags: BerryPosh Custom Designs, BCD Fabrics
Shipping optionCostWith another item
PFRE CL 3yds/Woven 5yds/Fluff 2yds $10.50 $0.00
MFRB CL 6yds/Woven 12yds/Fluff 4yds $16.00 $0.00
LFRB CL 14yds/Woven 20yds/Fluff 6yds $25.00 $0.00
International To be Calculated Starting at $40.00 $0.00
Add Items to Order $0.00 $0.00
1yd cut Magic Unwrapped Mini Lemon Yellow Woven Retail
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