Custom Order Request Custom Order Request
Price : $25.00


Would you like a custom order from Boo-Bees? Contact us at with your design idea. If we think we can bring your ideas to life, simply pay this $25 non-refundable deposit to get started.

How This Works:

  • Once the deposit is paid, we will begin looking for the materials to create your custom piece. We will not begin looking for materials and will not be able to provide you with an estimate until the deposit is paid.

  • The deposit it will be applied toward your custom order total. 

  • If you decide you'd like to go ahead with the design, we will give you a price quote minus the $25 deposit you've paid. All materials used in your design will be ordered once you completely pay for your custom design.             

  • If you choose not to go ahead with your custom order, the deposit is non-refundable and is payment for the time We've taken to look for materials for your custom order and the the price quote we have given you. The deposit cannot be applied to a standard design (a design we normally offer), as the deposit is kept as payment for the time taken to look for materials for your custom order.

  • If you should change your mind once your custom order is paid in full after materials have been ordered, only a partial refund will be issued off your custom order total.
**Broken/Damaged Jewelry: Jewelry is delicate by nature and can weaken in normal wear. Metal (silver,gold etc.) pieces handmade by boo-bees will be handled on a case by case basis. Chains, rings, bracelets etc. manufactured through a third party are not covered in this warranty. Return Policy: There are strictly NO refunds on milk, placenta and cremation ash jewelry. This is obviously due to the nature of the product, and the time it takes to create each piece. Please keep in mind all of the above that has been disclosed. Conflicts are handled on a case by case basis. *****ATTENTION: PRIORITY IS U.S. SHIPPING ONLY AND INCLUDES TRACKING INSURANCE. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING DOES NOT INCLUDE TRACKING OR INSURANCE
Tags: Boo-Bees,
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