Knit Night

I’m a mom of two absolutely sweet adorable and lovable little girls. My first baby inspired me to learn how to knit and eventually dye my own wool. Recently I’ve ventured to spinning. That’s another addictive hobby as well. Right now we are only offering hand-dyed yarns, hand-spun yarns and occasionally hand-dyed fibers. The yarns and roving are dyed in small quantity at the time. If multiple skeins are offered, although they’re dyed at the same time, some differences might occur due to the length of color repeat. Kettle-dye yarns are not repeatable as far as color length and patterning when it’s knitted/crocheted. I will try my best to replicate the color but some variation might occur. Want to see what we're up to? Visit my blog at If you have any question or concern, please email me to:

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