Universal Mama
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Hello! My name is Donna, and I am the WAHM behind 7th Heaven Babies Diapers and Knitted Goodies! I am also the mother of 8 wonderful children, ranging in age from 20 down to 18 months, and Oma to my first grandbaby. Our house and hearts are very full, and usually very happy.

Here at Universal Mama, I am offering Organic Velour fitted diapers, usually with beautiful dyed outers in a variety of styles. My good friend Shelly, from Tye Dye Dreams, is the artist who creates my beautiful, vibrant tie-dyed outers. My other friend Pam, from The Indigo Onion, is the artist who brings the gorgeous outers dyed by Low-Water Immersion, resulting is a richness and depth that creates a truly one-of-a-kind look for each diaper, even those in the same colorway.

I am also now offering my hand-knit Perfection Pants and Shorts, as well as Traditional Soakers. Perfection Pants and Shorts are knit under a special cottage industry license from Wooly Wonders. This pattern is tested, tried and true. It results in a unique, perfectly fitting item each time. My Soakers are knit under licenses from both Fern & Faerie and Curly Purly, which allows me to combine both patterns to create some of the best fitting soakers you can find. I use only premium, quality yarns in my knitted items. The yarns I choose are yarns I use for my own baby. I typically offer items knit from Blue Faced Leicester, 3-ply Targhee, 2-ply Merino, Organic Maine Wool, and Organic New Zealand Merino. I am always on the look out for other great yarns, with my main criteria being softness and durability. Most yarn is hand-dyed by me, but if it isn't, I will always state which talented WAHM was the artist.

I am pleased to bring these items to you, exclusively here at Universal Mama. If you have any questions, please ask. Thank you for shopping with us.

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Design by Kukae & Mimi | Graphics © 2006 Weezees Whimzees | Contributions by Julibeans