2yd Cut Custom Zombie Princess Fabric CL 2yd Cut Custom Zombie Princess Fabric CL
Price : $56.00
Sold out
2yd cut Custom Imported 95/5 blend Cotton/Lycra Knit Fabric. Digital Print Fabric width 150cm  250gsm. Buttery soft with nice 4-way stretch.

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Tags: BCD, Custom Designs, Knit Fabric
Shipping optionCostWith another item
PFRE CL 3yds/Woven 5yds/Fluff 2yds $7.20 $0.00
MFRB CL 6yds/Woven 12yds/Fluff 4yds $13.90 $0.00
LFRB CL 14yds/Woven 20yds/Fluff 6yds $19.25 $0.00
International To be Calculated Starting at $32.50 $0.00
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2yd Cut Custom Zombie Princess Fabric CL
2yd Cut Custom Zombie Princess Fabric CL
2yd Cut Custom Zombie Princess Fabric CL
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